

The Cash Application Digital Worker automates and executes the end to end process within the Order to Cash workflow by applying various skills including digitalizing of bank statements and remittances, extracting data from ERP, matching payments with open items, and applying cash and posting transactions into SAP.

The Cash Applications Digital Worker has led to significant savings of effort and time for Human Workers enabling them to focus on other highly critical, value added work.

Cash Application Skills

Following skills are available for deployment

Skills Description
CashApplication.Document Digitalization Intakes, captures, and extracts data from a variety of documents/formats (bank statements, remittance advices, and checks) into a structured data format to be utilized during the workflow
CashApplication.Data Extraction Extracts existing open payments directly from ERP System to be utilized later in workflow
CashApplication.Auto Match/Reconcile Open Payments Automatic matching and clearing of open payments completed by Digital Worker. Rules and tolerances for matching based on pre-configured rules and client specifications
CashApplication.Exception Handling (Human in the Loop) Routes any business exceptions (errors during digitalization, data extraction, or payment matching) to Human counterpart for resolution. Human has access to all associated details to resolve exception. Once resolved, updates submitted back into workflow for downstream processing
CashApplication.Auto Process in ERP Once Payment is allocated, Digital Worker auto processes all updated information directly into ERP System
CashApplication.Notifications Automatic generation of notifications (exceptions, request for additional details, and notification of complete) as the end to end workflow is executed
CashApplication.Analytics Leverage additional data points captured by DW to make more improved business decisions and improve performance

The Solution

Case Studies