

Quality Inspection Manager Digital Worker automates the workflow to digitize supplier goods delivery certificates and matching the supplier certificates against purchase orders specification in SAP. By implementing the intelligent compare and match service, the Digital Worker optimizes effort and reduces human errors for Quality Inspection Managers and Warehouse Clerks when goods are received at Warehouses. It provides human-in-the-loop (HITL) interface to display the comparison results of unmatched goods for Quality Inspection Managers to take decision on approving/ rejecting the goods.

Quality Inspection Manager Skills

Skill(s) available for deployment:

  • Quality Inspection Manager.SAP.Supplier Certification Digitalization
  • Quality Inspection Manager.SAP.Supplier Certificate matching with PO specification

The Solution

The Digital Worker digitalizes supplier goods delivery certificates and matches against the Inspection Lot specifications. Materials received are automatically accepted for 100% matching. This enables Business Users to take decision on accepting / rejecting goods based on the comparison results.

Logical Architecture