

The HR Payroll Digital Worker automates payroll related activities including the standardization of information intake (recurring/one-time payments, benefits, stock options), data validation, post payroll reconciliation while also maintaining a repeatable approval process. The Digital Worker identifies all errors, notifies input providers as well as keeping a daily activity log for payroll administrators.

HR Payroll Skills

Following skills are available for deployment

Skills Description
HRPayroll.Data Intake Standardized intake (one format) for receiving information, all contacts submit payments in one preconfigured format (recurring/one-time payments, benefits, or stock options)
HRPayroll.Validation Auto validation of data based on Payroll Calculation rules and tolerance thresholds
HRPayroll.Prepare for Processing/Auto Load Once validated Digital Worker prepares for loading the files into other systems (ERP)
HRPayroll.Post Payroll Reconciliation Reconcile payroll expenses for pay period after payroll processed
HRPayroll.Approval/Workflow Routes to pre-configured workflow for approvals. Configurable based on clients existing approval process
HRPayroll.Notifications Notify input providers of errors or request for additional information; Notify once process is complete
HRPayroll.Auto Reporting Automatically generates a Daily Activity Log to Payroll Admin of daily tasks for review

The Solution