

The HR Learning Digital Worker enables the management of learning events and seamlessly integrates with ticketing systems. The Digital Worker extracts all relevant course information and creates and sends notifications of Learning sessions to all provided participants. After managing the responses, the Digital Worker enrolls confirmed participants, tracking/assessing their grades, pre-course work, and notifies them once the training has been completed.

HR Learning Skills

Following skills are available for deployment

Skills Description
HRLearning.Data Extraction Extracts courses, facilities, facilitators, locations, and session templates from server
HRLearning.Session Creation Consolidates all requests received, creates session(s) based on data in ticket
HRLearning.Auto Enrollment Enrolls learners based on requests received and sends confirmations to all learners
HRLearning.Auto-Assessment/ Training Verification Auto assesses grades based on pre-configured rules to determine if learner passed. Verifies all learners have required compliance training complete
HRLearning.Notifications Update notification automatically sends to all applicable recipients, generates notifications to learners based on enrollment, grades, training status
HRLearning.Reporting Records history of all Learner information (enrollment, grades, training, etc)

The Solution