

Automates various EDM Gold Processes by incorporating Digital Worker skills such as monitoring of EDM requests in ticketing tool, creating transactions in HCM (Human Capital Management), generating letters and plan, validation, and automated communication.

Employee Data Management Skills

Following skills are available for deployment

Skills Description
EDM Request Monitoring
  • Monitor and pull requests from ticketing tool
  • Update various tasks in ticketing tool
  • Monitor approval in HCM
  • Create new hire records in master tracker (excel)
  • Create task in ticketing tool
EDM Request Post in HCM
  • Create new transactions in HCM (Human Capital Management)
Letters and Plan Creation
  • Create promotion and demotion letters
  • Create welcome event doc
  • Create development plan
  • Monitor and validate background check task in ticketing tool
  • Monitor and validate reference check task in ticketing tool
  • Monitor and validate medical screening task in ticketing tool
Automated Communication
  • Send reminders / follow ups
  • Schedule meetings via Promise Keeper
  • Send promotion and demotion letters
  • Send welcome event doc
  • Send development plan

Potential Benefits

Process Flow