
Application developers in large application development and management engagements spend significant amount of time in QA activities like functional flow checking for incrementally added new functionality or performing smoke or sanity testing in large set of applications every time there is a change like server upgrade, patch deployment etc. For critical business applications such health checks are often high frequency labour intensive work. This can include rule based smoke testing, middleware testing and application server and database health check and so forth. The Digital QA takes up all tedious smoke testing and heath check activities freeing up application developers to concentrate on new functionalities.

The Digital QA optimizes significant effort of application developer QA activities while improving the accuracy of QA testing and helping to avoid potential application outages.

Digital QA Skills

Following skills are available for deployment

Skills Description
Digital QA.Application URL Status Check Digital QA validates whether the Application URL is accessible or not
Digital QA.Selenium.Application Functional Flow Check Digital QA checks flow of any application using selenium script and generates the test result report
Digital QA.WebLogic.Application Server Health Check Digital QA checks status of various components of WebLogic Server e.g. deployed applications, Admin & Managed Servers, Data-Sources and JMS modules
Digital QA.Oracle.Database Health Check Digital QA checks status of Oracle Database Server e.g. long running queries, long running archival job, CPU utilization and Database disk space usage
Digital QA.DB2.Database Heath Check Digital QA checks status of DB2 Database Server e.g. DB2 instances, DB2 connection, connection pool and long running queries
Digital QA.Oracle.SQL Query Check Digital QA executes a set of SQL queries in Oracle Database Server to perform the smoke testing
Digital QA.DB2.SQL Query Check Digital QA executes a set of SQL queries in DB2 Database Server to perform the smoke testing
Digital QA.Application Log Check Digital QA extracts entire ERROR stack trace from log file(s) for a given certain interval of time
Digital QA.MQ Server.Middleware Health Check Digital QA checks status of various components of IBM WebSphere MQ Server e.g. Queue Manager, Channel, Queues and message consumption status into queues
Digital QA.Linux.Platform Health Check Digital QA checks Linux platform status e.g. CPU usage, disk space usage and network statistics
Digital QA.Windows.Platform Health Check Digital QA fetches Windows platform status e.g. CPU usage, disk space usage, I/O usage, and network statistics
Digital QA.DB2.Database Heath Check Failure Remediation Digital QA executes the necessary steps to remediate DB2 Database server failures e.g. Instance Down, backup failure etc.
Digital QA.ATS.Server Check Digital QA monitors if specified process is running or not and print count & content of file(s) under a specified folder path in Linux Server

The Solution

The Digital QA solution is implemented using DevOps tool which runs script-based probes for the health checks and automated test scripts for the synthetic transactions. Once the execution is finished it sends consolidated report in e-mail and updates the dashboard with the outcome. The Digital QA can be scheduled to work autonomously daily, weekly or monthly or can be triggered based on specific event e.g. after deployment of an application new release. Also, it can be triggered on demand basis using a conversational interface like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Case Studies